Racing at SMSP is cancelled today due to the wet weather Get onto Zwift for…
Upcoming Track Events
Waratah Masters Club is looking for members to participate in two major upcoming events on the Track Calendar. We need your support so if you are up for the challenge, head over to the AusCycling website to enter. Its a great event and if you are keen to give it a go but not quite ready yet, come out for the day, cheer on the participants, and maybe see yourself as a participant next year.
2024 AusCycling NSW Masters Track Championships.
The event will take place on the 23- 25th February at the Dune Gray Veledrome, Caryfield Road, Bass Hill.
Entries close Monday 19th February.
Details of the event can be found at
AusCycling Masters Track National Championship
The event will take place on March 16-20th, at the Anna Meares Veledrome in Queensland.
Details of the event can be found at AusCycling Website